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This category represents all of the chemicals that are necessary for most laboratories. The execution of experiments in a lab does not only require sound judgment and precise evaluation but also chemicals that are the most important requirement for any kind of lab to carry out experiments smoothly. If we go by the literature, a chemical is a form of matter having a particular formula and composition. Chemicals can either be pure or a mixture of several other chemicals depending upon their compositions. Chemicals may exist in the form of solids, liquids, gases, or plasma. Different fields in which chemicals are utilized include microbiology, molecular biology, immunology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industries, simple physics, chemistry, biology, etc. The current category offers an assortment of different range of chemicals that includes buffers, biochemicals, fine chemicals, stains, reagents, indicators, reference standards, acids, solvents, steroids, specialty chemicals, isotopically labeled analogs, and nanoparticles. It is of utmost importance to follow basic rules of precautions while handling laboratory chemicals.

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